Monday 10 August 2015

Common punctuation marks

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Common punctuation marks

In this article, we will review common punctuation marks in English.

Full stop

The full stop is used at the end of a statement, order, request or command. The full stop indicates a complete pause.
  • Look here.
  • Please help me.
  • Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.
The full stop is also used in abbreviations. This is common in American English.


The comma indicates a shorter pause. It is used to separate words in a list.
  • I have planted roses, jasmines, lilies, dahlias and sunflowers in the garden.
Sometimes we use the comma to separate clauses in a sentence.
  • After he finished his studies, he went abroad. (Here the comma separates the two clauses.)


The colon is used to introduce a list of examples:
  • There are three tenses: the present tense, the past tense and the future tense.
  • There are three types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic.

Question mark

The question mark is used at the end of questions.
  • What is your name?
  • Where does she work?

Exclamation mark

The exclamation mark is used after exclamatory words or sentences.
  • Alas! We have lost.
  • What a lovely picture!


The hyphen is used to connect the parts of a compound word.
Examples are: living-room, one-man show etc.
Note that hyphens are disappearing. Many compound words are now written as one word with no hyphen between them.


The dash is sometimes used instead of a colon.

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