Wednesday 21 December 2016

GCSE Maths - Drawing 3D Shapes Using Isometric Paper - Foundation and Hi...

How to Draw 3D Shapes


Subordinate clauses can be adjective clauses, adverb clauses or noun clauses.
An adjective clause serves the same purpose as an adjective. It says more about a noun or pronoun.
Adjective clauses are introduced by the relative pronouns who, whom, which, what, whose or that.
Examples are given below.
·         The man who lives next door is a musician. (Here the adjective clause ‘who lives next door’ says something about the noun ‘man’.)
·         This is the book that you have been looking for. (Here the adjective clause ‘that you have been looking for’ says something about the noun book.)
Noun clause
A noun clause serves the same purpose as a noun. It can act as the subject or object of the verb. It can also act as the object of a preposition. Noun clauses are usually introduced by the conjunctions that, if or whether.
·         She knows that she will win the first prize. (Here the noun clause ‘that she will win the first prize’ acts as the object of the verb ‘knows’.)
Adverb clauses
An adverb clause serves the same purpose as an adverb. It tells you when, where, why or how something occurs.
·         When I was in school I wanted to be a writer.
·         They took him to hospital because he was ill.
·         Unless you speak the truth, you will be in trouble.


Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the word given in the brackets.
1. The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes against ……………… (human)
2. Unable to bear the ……………… he left his village. (humiliate)
3. The play was so …………….. that the audience laughed through it. (humor)
4. …………………. of the jewels was made by the owner. (identify)
5. It would be …………………. to antagonize such an influential politician. (idiot)
6. An ……………………. set designer can always enhance a play. (imagination)
7. Lending someone your passport is an …………………… thing to do. (imbecile)
8. The newsmen discussed the political ………………….. of the war. (implicate)
9. Low morale can render an army …………………. (impotence)
10. His account of the robbery was hysterical and ………………… (incoherency)
1. The Nazi war criminals were condemned for crimes againsthumanity.
2. Unable to bear the humiliation he left his village.
3. The play was so humorous that the audience laughed through it.
4. Identification of the jewels was made by the owner.
5. It would be idiocy to antagonize such an influential politician.
6. An imaginative set designer can always enhance a play.
7. Lending someone your passport is an imbecilic thing to do.
8. The newsmen discussed the political implications of the war.
9. Low morale can render an army impotent.
10. His account of the robbery was hysterical and incoherent.